Event details

Starts at: Thursday, 21st April 2022 – 5:00 PM
Ends at: Thursday, 21st April 2022 – 6:00 PM
Location: Bouverie House, 200 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1LT
Department: MK Digital Skills Network

About this event

Putting digital technology to work – a Consultant’s and an Advisor’s view.

Part 3 of the Biztech event series – ‘Navigating the Digital Economy’

Business Advisors and Consultants have a key role to play in helping organisations to take advantage of digital technology and data.

They are experts in spotting opportunities to make better use of technology and data but also in examining new ideas and possibilities for their likely impact upon an organisation e.g. the scale of any change management task, the size of the investment in time and money involved, the realistic timing and level of benefits.

Find out from top Consultants and Advisors with deep experience of digital and data transformation in organisations how they make the case for adopting digital technology – the information they collect, their assessment of the investment required, and the costs and benefits involved.

Discover what it takes to help people to adapt to new technology and embed its use in their everyday ways of working.

Biztech Business and Technology Forum

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