Event details

Starts at: Thursday, 31st March 2022 – 5:00 PM
Ends at: Thursday, 31st March 2022 – 6:00 PM
Location: Bouverie House, 200 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1LT
Department: MK Digital Skills Network

About this event

Finding the opportunity – an Entrepreneur’s view.

Part 2 of the Biztech event series – ‘Navigating the Digital Economy`

Entrepreneurs typically keep a keen lookout for opportunities to use digital technology and data to add value within an industry or business.

They are experts at finding ways to improve working practices and turn their insights into tools and applications that free up time, reduce costs, and extend the reach of a business into new markets. How do they do it? And do they get it right?

Find out from top entrepreneurs how they examine trends and developments in digital technology and the use of data for opportunities to transform how businesses operate and hear about the future trends and developments that businesses should look out for.

Biztech Business and Technology Forum

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