Event details

Starts at: Tuesday, 19th April 2022 – 2:00 PM
Ends at: Tuesday, 19th April 2022 – 4:00 PM
Location: Online event
Department: MK AI Advancement

About this event

Prepare for the Metaverse era and find out how it will benefit you and your organisation.


Are you ready for the metaverse era? How will it benefit you?

The metaverse may disrupt social interaction, consumption, and every single industry in the next years. This interactive workshop is aimed at explaining the key concepts behind this buzzword. It will give an overview of the current metaverse ecosystem. It will highlight the risks and benefits of these new worlds, with case studies and examples.

It aims at being a thought-provoking and inspiring discussion, which will let participants be more informed and empowered.

Why attend?

  • Do you want to understand what the metaverse is? What are non-fungible tokens? And how do they fit together?
  • Do you feel you need to be more educated about the metaverse, the NFTs, and the blockchain concepts, as a user and as a professional?
  • Are you sceptical or passionate about the metaverse and keen to challenge your views?
  • Do you have a project that you would like to investigate and discuss?
  • Would you like to understand the job and business opportunities that the metaverse will offer?

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop aims at democratizing and demystifying the metaverse concept. It is designed for a non-technical audience. The idea is to bring together both students and professionals, users and creators. We want to encourage insightful discussions between people with diverse backgrounds and interests, for a broad and meaningful overview of what the metaverse is and can be.


You will learn more about metaverse, NFTs and how users and companies can benefit from these technologies. You will gain an understanding of the different types of metaverses and who the big players are. You may even get new business ideas out of this workshop.

What skills you will develop

This workshop will help you develop your economic and business intelligence in relation to emerging technologies. It will foster an analytical and creative mindset. It will give you a valuable awareness of the metaverse, NFT and blockchain environment.

The big benefit of attending

The big benefit of the workshop is to gain more knowledge and insight into the metaverse. Knowledge is power and you should walk out of this event with confidence that you will win and not lose from the metaverse economy.

Workshop style

Interactive with an example of one interactive activity.

The workshop will be both informative and creative. We aim at providing clear explanations of the key concepts as well as provoking questions and reactions and inspiring you into being an actor of the metaverse.

Typical interactive activities will include a reflection on which criteria will make you choose a metaverse and drafting a Strength/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats analysis of yourself/your company in relation to the metaverse.

3 key takeaways for attendees

The event should bring you 3 valuable takeaways: Inspiration, Confidence and Opportunities. Whether you will embrace the metaverse or not in your daily life, it is crucial to be educated about these new communication and consumption patterns.

About the workshop leader

Blandine Narozniak is a Metaverse and NFT Consultant. She graduated in Marketing and has extensive experience in business development, particularly in the information and attraction industries.

She founded the Metaverse Architects network in 2021 in a view to providing a turnkey design and build service for the new metaverse realm, from NFT smart contracts development to metaverse structures design and implementation.

Her aim is to promote and contribute to a sustainable, ethical, and inspiring metaverse.

The workshop is co-hosted by MKAI.

Register for this event