Event details

Starts at: Tuesday, 5th April 2022 – 2:00 PM
Ends at: Tuesday, 5th April 2022 – 3:00 PM
Location: Online event
Department: MK AI Advancement

About this event

The Future of Work in the Metaverse: Business and Career Opportunities By Sammi Wei

Metaverse Opportunities Part 1

Why attend?

Most of us were already living out a good chunk of our lives in the metaverse long before the term popularized headlines last year. In this two-part series, Sammi will first bridge the gaps in understanding between what you already know and what you haven’t yet experienced about the metaverse, then equip you with the knowledge and resources to explore business and career opportunities in this exciting future.

Who is this for?

You have heard the word “metaverse” too many times but nobody has ever properly explained what it is to you, and Google Search just made you more confused. You are excited, perhaps even slightly scared, by this next stage of the internet age. But above all, you are curious and eager to learn more about how to participate in this future. Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, investor, developer, community builder, or contributor in any capacity, the Future of Work has a place for you.

What will be covered in Part 1?

A high-level overview of the metaverse value chain. Who are the actors, how do they interact, how is value created? More likely than not, you are already familiar with many tools one could consider as part of the metaverse, this introductory session will bridge the gap of understanding between what you already know and what you haven’t yet experienced about the metaverse.

  • Definitions and common myths/mistakes about the metaverse
  • Case studies of different components of the metaverse
  • Future of Work and the roles within it
  • Mindset and skill set that will prepare you as a contributor
  • Resources on how to find business and career opportunities

Class “Play.Crypto”, by Alex Groves: The decentralized layer for the metaverse is powered by blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Understanding and using crypto will be one of the fundamental skills you need to master if you want to have an impact over the next decade.

In other words, completing this gamified course will give you a huge advantage – in knowledge, network and modes of thinking. Upgrade the software in your brain to the latest web 3.0 updates with play.crypto.

Class “Metaverse Job Search”, by Sammi Wei: Following the two-part series Future of Work in the Metaverse: Business and Career Opportunities, this class breaks down actionable steps in equipping yourself with the assets to contribute in the metaverse professionally. Complete small quests to shape up your CV, connect with a relevant information network, get into active learning habits, and more.

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