Event details

Starts at: Thursday, 20th January 2022 – 2:45 PM
Ends at: Thursday, 20th January 2022 – 4:30 PM
Location: MK Gallery
Department: MK AI Advancement, MK Digital Skills Network, MK Skills Collaboration

About this event

Collaborate MK is hosting a networking event specifically to help its members benefit from SkillsHub:MK.

SkillsHub:MK is a new and exciting initiative supporting Milton Keynes businesses with FREE skills short courses. It is led by MK College supported the South Central Institute of Technology, the OU, Cranfield University, and Milton Keynes Artificial Intelligence (MKAI).

Come along to hear all about the project and tell us what skills you need for your business to flourish. All the while enjoying the Collaborate MK customary hospitality.